How it Works
Strategically provides assets in liquidity pools for token swapping on the Uniswap platform
Provides liquidity for a price range chosen by the bot
The smaller the range, the more token swap fees a liquidity provider earns
The bot automatically moves positions to stay within an extremely tight but highly profitable sub-range (moves when the price ratio is 20% away from moving outside the range of the position)
I developed smart contracts (code that runs directly on the blockchain) for the bot to perform the evaluation and updating of its positions
- The bot originally operated on the server (outside of the blockchain), but this led to it using old data and a multitude of inefficient and expensive transactions
- Led me to migrate my server code to smart contract code, moving the bot closer to the data it uses
- Polygon: Blockchain I chose for its innovative choices and extremely low gas fees
- Infura: Web3 provider
- Ethers: Javascript library to interact with the blockchain
- Hardhat: Smart Contract Testing Suite
- Firestore: Database to keep track of positions and gather analytics on how the bot was performing
- Heroku: Node.js server hosting service to trigger my smart contracts on the blockchain
Additional Details
- Created my own mathematical formula to optimize my position
- Briefly did make a small amount of money with the bot
What I learned
- Smart contract development
- Solidity programming language
- Hardhat testing suite
- Running a copy of the blockchain for testing smart contracts (my favorite part of the process)
- Running code on the blockchain cost money for each computation. Developing in this environment was a new and challenging language, very different from what I was used to. For the first time I was forced to think about how to make my code efficient, a perspective that's stayed's stayed with me since.
- Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
- How arbitrage works in the context of the blockchain
- Concepts like Impermanent loss, Liquidity Pools, Decentralize Autonomous Organizations (DAO)
- A lot of my understanding came from youtube channels like Whiteboard Crypto
- How to mint an NFT